Fluid animation, good premise. The pace is a little slow, try cutting out unnecessary pauses, and make it flow more.
Also, you NEED more than just one gunshot. Throw in a shuffling noise for the vampire walking, ambience like the soft bubbling of the pot in the background, the monster growl, crashes, footsteps, cartoony noises like whistles and clangs and what-not...
...and also, VOICES VOICE VOICES! Speech bubbles with an animation is a no-no!
This was great! I laughed my ass off watching this.
At first glance, I thought it was a flash by Bug, ZekeySpaceyLizard, or one of the other "Funnies collab" crew. I'm pretty refreshed that it wasn't, because they seem to have had enough front-page exposure for one month.
The animation was really well done, and reminded me of darker, sicker flashes like Serius Peashy, and although I hate using him as a reference, Salad Fingers, to a slight extent. Being raised on the gritty, diseased style of Ren & Stimpy as a kid, I totally loved it. It was also incredibly fluid, and I was looking for mistakes in the actual animation, and couldn't find any.
I loved how cartoony everything was...swallowing the cute little Teddy Bear whole caught me off guard and truly made me laugh out loud...same with the Xenomorph tongue near the end. The little details throughout also helped add to the humor; was in a nuclear wasteland or something? I don't care, this was great.
Although Sonic's voice could've been casted better to what you were trying to go for, the sound quality was hard to ignore. The ambient wind in the background, the car humming, every appropriate sound effect never stood out from each other in clarity. It, too, was really well done. Teddy bear voice, and that poor clerk's performance were spot-on (the pathetic, whimpered..."...Here..." when he's handing the chili drink to Saunich) and the awesome eating noises he constantly did helped bounce around the humor.
I say keep it up! You may not have gotten a sponser, but maybe Flash API could be something to look into that couldn't hurt. Although I agree with the Brawl Funnies message in that we need to ween ourselves from unoriginal video game parodies which dominantly permeate through Newgrounds, this was a very entertaining, originally done video game parody.
The only thing that kept it from a perfect 10 was Saunich's voice...I understood what you were trying to do, but it's possible you know someone or could find someone else to pull it off better. Everything else in this flash was awesome!
I've been guilty for falling into the trench of unoriginality...or rather, moat...but the difference is found in those who learn from their mistakes.
I say give it time...the fad will be over with, and maybe...just maybe...something will happen to inspire most to try something from themselves. I mean, hell, Hollywood's running out of ideas...it's true, I think they're the one's to blame for degrading the idea of an expanding imagination...the thing is, if they aren't going to set the example, let us.
I think if you look for it you'll find it...unfortunately, that's not difficult to do with the beaten horse that is video game parodies on this site, and again, I'm guilty by one account...but y'know...behold the turtle, it makes progress by sticking out it's neck and all that.
Chin-up...the message was delivered well enough through the other two Brawl Funnies, and I read it loud and clear the first time. :D
(reading back on this review, I hope it's coherent enough to convey my point; I've been up for hours actually...and I'm taking a break animating. Please understand. lol)
A few months ago ashford pride made a movie with a foreboding title. It was called "Awesome Grounds".
Well ladies and gentlemen, that's might as well what this site should be called (at least right now), with the top row on the front page slot dedicated to an "awesome" movie and an "awesome" parody, an "awesome" t-shirt in the newgrounds store, and pretty much every "awesome" movie in the top 100, along with han's "awesome's creed".
I can't go to newgrounds with seeing something not about egoraptor or his coveted video game parody series. It makes me wonder sometimes if pursuing anything but half-assed cartoons making mildly funny observations about video games laced with profanity is even worth it. Truly, they are what bring the masses of 13-year olds to this site, and thus increases traffic and competition in the internet world. But you have to ask yourself, with this sort of two-bit audience increasing in numbers, are they really interested in watching anything else?
I understand that it's a dog eat dog world in the online entertainment business, and to compete you have to pretty much put up content that a majority of internet browsers would click on. This includes either women or video games. Things they already know they want. And that's all they want. They sign up, watch more, and come back and do it again later. They're trained to know that what they want is easily accessible and is promoted all over the site.
Original content is often shuffled off to the bottom of the page, or never gets any attention to begin with. Now comes into play the whole 'they won't click on it unless there's a boob for the icon', etc etc. That's because they've been fashioned to think that way.
I'm not saying i have all the mysterious answers to the way people's minds work. But this much is true - if all people click on are breasts and video game icons, and you give them breasts and video game icons, you're not pushing the envelope.
Newgrounds is the epitome of user-generated content. We already have a massive advantage over youtube in the fact that making a cartoon involves so much more creativity than snappily editing your webcam footage. So instead of 200 cartoons coming out every minute, we have 200 cartoons coming out every day. That gives someone a better chance of breaking out and being discovered for his hard work, and a reward for a job well done.
But in the same way that viewers are trained that they don't have to go out of their way to avoid original content they would otherwise enjoy, authors are becoming more and more disenchanted with their personal creations and are turning to nerd culture icons and cheap tactics to get viewers.
I can't tell you how many animators I have spoken to that have shunned their own creations in favor of sub-pop culture parody and disjointed scripts sprinkled with toilet humor and profanity. a cartoon catering to everyone who's forgotten what cartoons are all about. And here we are shoving away everything about cartoons that was originally appealing and magical, because we're pretty much forced to.
I'm not pointing the finger at any one person here. I think it's part of the bigger picture - bigger than Newgrounds, too. But if people really care about the future of cartoons and animation, we wouldn't be seeing this kind of blatant favoritism.
People will find what they want if they want it. They don't need to be spoon fed it all.
For thirty years animators who strive to create something genuinely unique have gotten nothing but a slap in the face. It's sickening and it has to stop someday, before they all disappear.
Lastly, this post is not about me. I'm not writing this out of self-pity, bitterness or spite. I'm being honest. I care a lot about the future of animation, and what I see around me is very troubling. The industry is bad enough, but where the future lies is in the small corners of the animation world. Newgrounds is one of them. I spend a lot of time trying to encourage and teach frame-by-frame animation, and creating your own characters and scripts. That is what is important
And that one with fat Kirbopher with imagining his parents as Nintendo characters was AWESOMELY saved from being completely depressing. I don't fully understand why I love these "Funnies" collabs, but keep them up, guys...they're brilliant in their own right.
I've been waiting for you guys to show up on NG! I check your webcomic everyday.
True to form, the flash took you were you didn't expect...and I'm REALLY glad the animation is smoothly done without ever sacrificing the original style of Cyanide & Happiness.
Voice overs were well recorded, and that was a nice, loud gunshot! Not one of those cheap, overused stock/Powerpoint gunshots that I get sick of hearing.
I could have saved you all the reading by simply saying, "It's exactly what I expected from you guys; perfection" but ...whatever...you guys rock!
That was fucking brutal! And really good animation for a mouse, I'm incredibly impressed! I laughed my ass off just because of how incredibly hardcore you made My Little Pony become.
Just when you think you've seen it all...two other "Hank's" with clearly different personalities and fighting patterns.
But this one raised more questions in the series than anything...was the dead soldier mutated into a reincarnated Hank + Flood appendage? Is the broken halo turned red symbolic, or did it actually grant the black figure additional abilities? And what's going on in the background?
The run-time was so short, there was no way we could've cared if the second protagonist died at the terminal...and what the terminal actually DID was so confounding, the audience has to just sit there, shrug, and accept the fact that this eyeless posessed giant with a mask and an axe is fighting what appears to be Hank with a scorpion tail for an arm.
Oh, look at that...the devil-figure just absorbed all of those dead bodies, and is now a little bit bigger.
What's going to happen next? Who knows? It's Madness.
In the first few Madness installments, it was clear the protagonist was going after the Sheriff. "root for the Madness, because our hero is pissed off about pie or something, or at least just holds some strong vendetta against the Sheriff in Nevada. Oh look, there's Jesus! Holy shit, a crazy clown! Zombies!" Awesome.
...But now, the Madness is intensifying so rapidly that we honestly don't know what the fuck is going on anymore. Mutant labs? Yellow-blooded agents as incompetent as the red-blooded agents...a small militia of bandaged superheroes going against, for lack of better character names, Satan?
I still watch it for the gratuitous violence like any of us do, but sometimes even that doesn't make sense...like stabbed in the head with a hook, and a dead-flip from where he stands, flinging the guy by the head with the hook, down to the ground?
Madness indeed!
Still five'd it. The small novel above is my two-cents.
-This is Phobotech!-
I've done animatics for Cyanide & Happiness, Purgatony, and WWE Storytime! I'm also a voice actor that's performed roles in One Piece, Gundam: Witch from Mercury, & Smite!
Check out my sci-fi novel, Umbra's Legion on Amazon Kindle!