One of the most creative flash games I've played.
What I loved most about the game was the challenge; It took me a good three days-worth of tries to beat this game. I'd get on, get stuck on a part and try it over and over and over again, before I would close it to get back to it. Thankfully, due to the cookie system, it picks up right where I left off.
Manipulating the cute little guy in the beginning, it was already different than anything than I expected when you had to manipulate around our character's ability to vomit strategically...and he holds quite a lot too!'s a good thing, as I recycled quite a bit, just in case I needed more after a certain event...
But I loved, LOVED how after every chapter, it introduced a new phase of genetic mutation.
Normally, you're the enthusiastic little pink grub who can vomit bile all over the place, time a propelled jump, and swim in your own liquid filth.
After that, you get a far-out looking white grub that spews foam which you can swim within in the air...I found this form the most difficult to navigate, as it usually takes a lot of foam in one area in order for you to "swim" in...and even then, gravity still holds some laws in that you have to swim quickly to avoid sinking.
I'm not bitching or far as foam-spewing air-swimming goes, that seems reasonably realistic. The fact that it takes so much foam to do what you need to do just adds to the challenge.
Soon after the airhead mode, we're treated to the Red Spewer...I'm going out on a limb to assume that it's blood, which is a pretty safe assumption, as this red liquid JETS out at a much higher velocity than the vomit from stage 1. The wicked, evil grin on the character somehow turns something ordinarily creepy and unhealthy into something, I'm not sure. But this allows you to propel yourself higher by regurgitating down, and get some impressive range when trying to activate switches from afar...sort of like an Archer Fish, but with blood.
...I think there's a lizard like that...
After the red mutation, you're introduced to a familiar face; a black Gishy form, which seems to spew a black, tar-like substance that solidifies after it hits any other surface. I found this form to be the most useful, because a skilled hand can minimize the amount of "tar" used...balancing on a single or double spit-wad on a wall, and repeating a process over and over again. You can form bridges, towers, staircases...and as long as you can reach it, you can gobble it up to recycle it again.
The Spewer has to undergo a lot of obstacles...rotating spikes, mostly, and pools of acid or no fun. The mechanics of the acid are fluid enough to be treated like a heavier if only there was a way to use that stuff to our advantage......
...Thank God for the Yellow mutation, which holds and spits up acid. It's useful when having to travel grounds that hold pools of otherwise lethal doses of acid, you can swim through it like nothing. But often you'll find yourself in a situation in the yellow-form where it would be incredibly foolish for you to just release everything all at once; You'll have to reach a switch which is blocked by a material you can burn through...but there are more sensitive things that could also be burned around you...such as, the ground below you....which is the only thing keeping you from becoming chum. I found the best course of action for these kind of hurtles are to be patient, and just...(bear with me for sounding perverted) spit, swallow, spit, swallow...just be sparse...
Visually, the game is impressive and easy to look at. The mad scientist in the background succeeds in compounding the atmosphere intended, that you're a little lab creature being tested. I noticed that you have the option to turn it off for those that are easily distracted, but it never drew my focus from the puzzle at hand.
Audibly, little Spewer is adorable...and his little grunts and death cries match his cute expressions. The music, oddly enough, never became annoying, despite how much I played this
I'm running out of space; the ending was awesome! Perfect game!