I'd recognize that face from anywhere. And upon enlarging the thumbnail, you made him FUCKIN' COOL!
He looks REALLY good. Bravo! I mean, to be perfectly honest, he didn't even need the extra weathering; the battle damage technique has proven to make anything look THAT much cooler, and here it comes off as a little excessive. One small simple tear on his cowl. A few scratches here and there on his mask and on his utility chest belt thing. Some on the shoulder pad...and honestly, while that work at any other time, it looks kind of out of place in THIS instance.
My eyes are drawn to those stark alien eyes...the green, cat eye-slit peepers that he's always had, but NOW in a newfound, horrifyingly powerful context. Those teeth. THOSE FUCKIN' TEETH! WOW! Perhaps what also nudges the battle damage on the exterior out from the rest of him is my eye is looking at everything I never paid attention to with the original Brak. So I'm lookin' at the flesh, and while his jowels and mouth look mutated and mauled in some way, he looks born into it. It doesn't look evident that he came from a fight.
But, upon saying all of that, I have to remember where Space Ghost started. And how Brak actually began with a gruff, spitting villainous kind of tenor. He wasn't always a big happy goofy retard like Coast-to-Coast and other Cartoon Network spinoffs of SG have since depicted him. THIS characterization that you've drawn is indicative that the original intentions of the Hanna Barbara Space Ghost origins can remain consistent and STILL believably badass sci-fi.
I love this. Great job, I love the textures, I love Brak's reinvention. My imagination is having a field day thinkin' up how he'll sound when he speaks.