I love them all. Third tank from left is best tank, but I appreciate the lil Tank Police / Metal Slug / Sherman doing his best. The dog is the goodest boye
Design question: What is the function or purpose of the metal cuff at the bottom of the front tread of the largest tank?
The only reason a tread would need to reach that high, (note: almost twice the height of a utility truck) would be if it needed to conquer sizably high terrain.
My immediate concern for the design is it exponentially increases the risk of a tread shot from the front, disabling a tank that is too large and heavy to tow.
The metal cuff seems to invalidate or contradict the very ww1 strategy to have such high reaching frontal tread sets. No surface gripped in that area will continue past the cuff, and it looks like it conforms around the shape of that bottom hinge, so its not like a surface that can be retracted or swiveled aside.
I suggest something like a bulldozer scraper that can be lifted up beneath the turret to allow manueverability. I'm assuming its an armor point to help against mines or something.