Big fan of the triangle miniguns. Love the environment, and the head unit design is really strong. The neck plating is really interesting, and I love it when mecha incorporate designs like the mounting holes at the neck that imply it's towable or paradropped in.
The torso plate is pretty flat no matter which way you look at it. Seems pretty straightforward how that hatch just kinda Angler Fish opens and badda-bing, badda-boom, torso shot is probably a pilot kill. I know this ain't your design, this is a commission, but where design aspects are running a little flat, the shading is top-notch and the color choice was wise. I kinda wish the whole mech matched the OD green found on the gun. Them Zekes had it right with the military drabs, but hey, a broken clock is right twice a day :P
Great job!