...and the beginning of a Texas summer over here. I'm not really looking forward to it; our last winter, I spent most of the time outside in a t-shirt. That should be a huge red-flag that this summer heat-wave is going to be nothing short of crispifying.
By this time, I should have been making the final touches on a brand new flash project, that seemed to have sprout out of the ground in-between my own to-do list of animations. I'm just saying, for the handful of people that know to expect it, it'll be a week or so late...
...but, due to the opportunity this project is presenting me, and the big names that are collaborating with it, I refuse to cut corners on it's development like I did numerous times with Zone of the Awesome. Also, it was my intention to introduce my own style of animation in "Testing the Headset" (which hasn't been worked on since I started with this new flash) but it's looking like you'll get to see how my style kinda looks like even sooner.
I'm very excited for this project's completion. So far, it's the best animation I've made!
Also, the reason WHY it's late...in the past week, all of a sudden coming out of FUCKING NOWHERE, my oldest brother Joey sold the title of his 2002 Yamaha V-Star Classic 650cc cruiser to me...and just like that, by the next day, we're looking into Rider Safety Courses, Bike insurance, the whole thing.
This. Is. AWESOME. (holy shit) :D
In addition, just yesterday I spent 12 hours in a classroom in DFW to finally get a concealed hand-guns license. All sorts of shit is happening at once, and they're all awesome!
...But it's making me cautious, for some reason. Not to say that it's too good to be true, (I'm only using my gun as a last resort, and I know for a fact the bike runs fine) but I'm just keeping my guard up in case something comes along that fucks up this huge streak of fortune...whether it's a big accident on the road now that I'm on a bike, or if it's something else with the family, or even a woman.
Now that I have a set of wheels again, animation school up at Quad C is looking more and more likely.
I can't fucking wait for the Fall. Somehow I knew this year would turn out alright...
Film at Eleven.
UPDATE: I made a decent rap song this time! Check out Wingman vs. Fat Friend, vote honestly, and drop a review!
Sinitech and I have the intention to make another rap song in the future. There's a rumor floating around that even Elios will partake with us...oooohh! But first thing's first; I gotta finish this flash project (which is overdue)
UPDATE UPDATE: OMFG, I won the 4th Annual NG Idol in Photoshop! Thanks judges! There were absurdly good Photoshops up against me, I was almost certain I couldn't win...I'm honestly surprised!
With my confidence kinda knocked up a notch, you can bet your ass I'll make it difficult to win next year, so let's get to practicing, Photoshoppers! ;D