It's an original music-video flash, animated by myself, written by me, but featuring the music of my good friend, Thomas, and Adam (the mind behind "Rorschach's End") may help out with the singing.
In other news; all I needed was a new metal washer between the bolt on the bike and the back of the bitch-seat on the V-Star, and it's nice and secure. Now all I need is a bitch!
Starcraft matches between the three of us are getting more hardcore the more we play...Can't wait for Starcraft 2!
Also, the Warhammer 40K Collab is coming soon...hopefully before my Madness Day entry... and perhaps after a quick Halloween short, I'll get to work on both Dick Neck sequels.
...and I still got homework to do for Storyboarding...I love that I'm busy!
Film at Eleven!
Sounds cool :)