One week left until Christmas. One week left until my deadline.
I've concentrated my efforts on the more complex frame-by-frame scene. Today, I finished an elaborate explosion complete with falling debris near the opening scene.
Next, I'm going to do the longest single line spoken (all lip-sync with Pinky the Mannequin, pretty much)
Then the scene where Jehuty fucks some shit up,
Then I gotta do everything else.
There are spots of detailed stills scattered through-out, but since I got a week left, I'm concentrating on the difficult frame-by-frames.
That way, if I have to rush it and churn SOMETHING out in time, it'll be parts of the flash that were never intended to be impressive looking in the first place.
So close, yet so goddamn far...ugh....
I got a little stressed and I stepped out to get a beer. Tried Shiner's Holiday's......different. I should've gone for a Shiner Bock or a Blue Moon.
Oh well. Next time. I gotta work, work, work!