Fifteen Days left until deadline.
Fifteen Days, and yet it takes every ounce of strength left in me to keep me from adding more scenes. Already, filesize issues are becoming a concern again, but I guess I'll worry about that AFTER I compress the audio (heh heh heh) ...I have no idea how to do that, though, but I'll find out before Christmas.
In non-ZOA related news, I did excellent on my English final...leaving me more free-time to devote to ZOA.
My back is killing me because I've been sitting on an ammo-can working on this thing...I really need to invest into a comfortable office-chair or something.
But yeah, animation process if coming along smoothly...suffice to say, I'm having more luck detailing the backgrounds than I am animating the bastards but that's why I've implemented Pinky. The Pink manaqon from my flash test!
I set the layer that holds the background to invisible, with only minimal same-layer, same-color, guides to let me get a general picture of what's in the background as a frame of reference. He's been helping me get the movement of the characters and the lip-syncing down just right...I just started using him far so good.
But I've been working on this thing for hours today. It's time for me to get some sleep.
Film at Eleven.