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Recent Movie Reviews

472 Movie Reviews

My wife says this is what it's like to have cousins, she feels for your pain.

Make sure each frame is in focus before you start compiling them into a flipbook.

Keep experimenting! Make sure your animation is as legible as it can possibly get in your next one!

Recent Game Reviews

120 Game Reviews

I died, and it said restart the game, but I can't restart it. All I see is a box that says "Debug" so...I assumed that would help me restart it, but when I click it, nothing happens.

nerdlymannish responds:

i meant the game to be not on newgrounds but i decided to just put it on here, what you actually wanna do is reload the page, its scuffed and thats what i planned for this game to be.
either way its my fault for not stating that and the debug button on the description

What revolver has 19 shots in it, and uses a "clip?"

It's not very challenging. I don't think the shields actually deflect the bullets, and the only melee enemy that'll actually do me any damage are the blonde white guys. The little antler gremlins can just pile up at my feet, and do nothing to my health. The zombies don't attack either. The only threat to my health are the ranged attackers and you just click them a bunch. Without any diversification in the environment, this gets boring pretty quickly.

MaxonClakson responds:

The Zombies and Gremlins are not meant to do any damage at all and serve more as a training enemy, and despite it's appearance, the revolver is not actually a revolver but a pistol designed to look like one. The shield also blocks bullets if you time it correctly.

That's the cleanest circle clicker I've seen in a long time. Good job!

Recent Audio Reviews

89 Audio Reviews

This sounds great! It really is a fun little bop.

Would it be okay if I credited you and used this for an animation demo reel that I'm going to upload soon?

Shai-P responds:

Sure! Go right ahead.

This is a really fucking cool atmosphere. Like an impending storm looming toward an ancient cathedral consumed by vine and pipework alike.

Touched my heart. The only time I was ever a moderator was on the General BBS, and it's gone.

I had even been curating a new thread for days to open up discussion about the military, and it's lost. When I tried to re-open the tab, all of it got autodeleted. It is a question that'll never be asked.

Hopefully this charges activity into people's review-spaces and news blogs. That traffic just finds somewhere else to be, because that's all that COULD happen. Somehow, I know this will benefit the community here. Just doesn't seem like it yet, but it will.

Recent Art Reviews

254 Art Reviews

Probably the one game I rented the most from Blockbuster. Never owned it, but I played the fuck out of it.

This whole piece would fit right at home on a poster.

Iconic rival, that I wish they did more with.

As a kid, right around when webcomics seemed to be at their peak, I had written a fancomic where Mega Man and Bass teamed up to stop an unhinged Dr. Wily plot, and it pretty much lead up to the cataclysm that kicked off events that started Mega Man X.

I was diving into everything Bass & Treble I could get my hands on, and I remember being so upset that there was so little content on him. He was just so cool to me. This art captures him and his robocanine perfectly.

A fun one to do would be their fusion, where he's black and purple with giant mech wings!

DreamsBellArt responds:

Thanks for the compliment!
And I totally agree, he didn't get enough of the spotlight or a complete story.
I did consider drawing his fusion as well! I will see if I have the energy to do so in the future maybe

That's pretty sweet. Love the Newtype stylization, very synthwave.

Would've been just a teensy bit stronger if that extended foot wasn't chopped off at the bottom of the frame.

If this thing was isolated as a fullshot, on a black shirt, I'd wear the fuck out of it. The Zaku IIS was one of my earliest successes in combat with general type mobile suits in Battle Operation. It's got a soft spot in my heart because of it.

-This is Phobotech!-
I've done animatics for Cyanide & Happiness, Purgatony, and WWE Storytime! I'm also a voice actor that's performed roles in One Piece, Gundam: Witch from Mercury, & Smite!
Check out my sci-fi novel, Umbra's Legion on Amazon Kindle!

Geoff Galneda @Galneda

Age 36, Male

Voice Actor/Animator

Collin College

Dallas, TX

Joined on 9/22/03

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