Very good for your first!
Now for the constructive criticizing. The screams in-between the Suicidal guy's thoughts were a tad unnecessary. It took just a little too long for the devil to get up there. The music was okay. I DID enjoy that unexpected twist of the Devil pushing him off, however it spent a lot of time watching them falling. Also, don't worry about censoring crap, 1. nobodies going to get offended so don't worry about it, and 2. it brings the impression that your afraid to curse, which more likely than yes, your not. If I may also note, upon impact, the blood wouldn't consist of dots of blood. It's more like a pool of blood and very little splatter if any (watch Faces Of Death.) Plus, you should've involved more beer in the movie! Hahaha! All in all, great first flash! Hope to see more!
Phobos Technology, Phobotech.