...And how is this like Castlevania at all?
Really the only thing that was pretty Castlevania about it was the fact that it happened in a castle.
Aside from the title, it was choppy and it didn't make much sense. The only thing you heard through the entire thing was music, and to be honest, it really wasn't all that great to listen to. Not even a crack of the wip or a caw from the crow, just the same old drum loop with the occasional xylaphone sound and maybe a little bit of switch up's here and there, but that's it.
All in all, I'm not bashing it or anything, but the flash just seemed a wee-bit mediocre to me. Just work on smoothing things out, SFX, better music, and actually developing an interesting plot. That's all from me, I'm voting a three.
Phobos Technology, Phobotech.