Yeah, so flight hours have ground to a halt; I've been focusing on getting my shit together and shooting for my solo certification. That'll make it easier and cheaper as I close the gap for the necessary flight experience to gain an actual pilot's license.
Unfortunately, that means I need to focus on my academic achilles heel in math. I have about a month left of this math course and then I'll be back to square one after my solo certification.
There's a lot of work to do in order to work.
In the meantime, I have more than plenty of creative projects to tackle. I'm trying to get motivated enough to return to flash, and in the meantime I've been surpassing my self-expectations with a bit of a web-comic expirement hidden away in the BBS...I've written the issues specifically to fit within the General BBS image parameters, and the word document is at the finale...still...words won't mean shit until its all drawn.
Buckle your shit, because I aggressively tackle these projects to procrastinate on math homework.
Film at Eleven.