I'm gonna have to get used to tagging that "09" on the end there...
2008 was a good year.
But, I don't know what it is, but I can't find myself motivated to work on ZOA lately...the only progress I've done in the past few days since my last post was I modified a couple of ADA scenes....that's it.
I'm kinda bummed for some reason. It's not the flash, even though I'm not entirely pleased with how it's coming out...I just wanna get it over with and absorb the criticism from you guys so I know what areas to polish up...
...but I know what I need to polish up...urrrghh...I want to start on something new, but I can't until this is done. I feel obligated to it.
And I ought to. I spent a lot of time and effort into this thing.
I just gotta get the motivation to get this thing done. As soon as I can. That's what I need to do.
Flash classes start on the 22nd...I'll set my own deadline for the 11th.
To Triumph and Obliterate.
...Jesus, I want to get this thing done...
When I wake up in the morning, I'm riding with my Mom to drop off Grandma at Shreveport. I imagine I'm getting little done then.
I gotta find some motivation.
Hey man, it's no biggie whether you make the deadline or not. Remember, deadlines come with compromise, and I'm pretty sure you don't want that.
Galneda (Updated )
A part of the reason I feel kinda bad about ZOA is because of the compromises I've already made trying to knock it out in a month.
Thank you, though..."Deadlines coming with compromises" is most certainly a lesson I've learned out of this.
Well. I can look forward to that Madness WWII flash collab when this is over with, eh?