You say your going to move on to photoshop assignments. Does this mean you will take a break from animating for a while? If not, are you going to use some photoshop in your animations later on?
Anyways, I hope the rest of your school year will be good.
Keep the good work.
I think Dickneck has lost most of it's humorous potential by now.
I think the Origins flash was released at just the right time for it to still be funny.
Maybe if you'd already had a sequel planned and started right away, and had the time, of course, it would have a chance.
By now, though, there are two kinds of people: those who know of Dickneck through the BBS, and those who know of him through your flash.
Also, I imagine there are still people lurking the flash page who don't know what Dickneck is at all.
I was never very good at math.
I don't know which audience is greater or who you want to appeal to most, but in my opinion, Dickneck is stale and not worth the effort.
Also, I'm going to start calling you "That Dick Neck guy."
Faulty math aside, you raise interesting points...and although the Dick Neck sequels I envision have great potential to break Top 50 of all time, the timing is indeed off. I often think that it may have been the fresh timing of Origins that helped it go, but at the same time, I started working on the thing in the thread's final moments, releasing it about half a year later.....
...though half a year is better than a year and a half. I may reproach the idea if whatever fans I've accumulated in the future start asking, "Hey, you left Origins off to an open ending...aren't you going to finish that?" and only then I may...God knows I'd be easier to talk into doing a Dick Neck sequel than a Zone of the Awesome continuation...
As far as what audience I want to appeal to more, I'm not sure. I'd like it if Phobotech were synonymous with HotDiggidyDemon, Egoraptor, and HappyHarry...the ultimate goal is to get an NG Tank Award, but another is to become a recognized name.
Thanks for the input, Sinitech. You're a pretty swell dude.